Saturday, January 10, 2009

What Induces Malar Rash

[Fic] Kingdom Hearts II - Those who have not tripe, Chapter 3

Title: Ceux qui n'ont pas de tripes ( Those Lacking Spines )
Author: Gexegee ( [info] ggmoonycrisco )
Translator (s): [info] Wayi
Do You Have The permission to translate story? Yes: D
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts II
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts is the crackbaby Disney and Square Enix. The fic belongs to Gexegee, only the translation is mine.
Summary (if given): immunized against a strange parasite through their appearances virile, Xaldin, Vexen and Lexaeus on an adventure to save the rest of Organization XIII's worst nightmare: the stupid fanfiction.

Chapter Three 1 / 2 and 2 / 2

And with 19 pages of Word, I exceeded the size limit entries LJ ^ ^ Woohoo!

I know I said I'm working on my projects scanlations, but I can not do several things at once ... So ... I have not forgotten, but be patient please?


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